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Sunday 18 December 2022

Important Phrases

Important Phrases

(with their meaning and use)


1.  Live a frugal life = काटकसरीचे जीवन जगणे

Use: If you live a frugal life, you can save some money every month.

2.  Pay heed to = च्या कडे लक्ष देणे

Use: Nobody paid heed to what the poor boy said.

3.  Look after = ची काळजी घेणे\

Use: Every mother looks after her children.

4.  At the cost of = चा त्याग करून

Use: Ram worked hard for the community at the cost of his own interest.

5.  Good turn = उपकार

Use: A scout never expects any return for his good turn.

6.  Make both ends meet = जमा खर्चाची तोंड मिळवणी करणे

Use: These days only the rich can make both ends meet.

7.  Look for = शोधणे

Use: He has lost his pen, now he is looking for it.

8.  Keep one’s promise = वचन पाळणे

Use: A good person always keeps his/her promise.

9.  By and by = कालांतराने

Use: A person gets the highest position by and by and not all of a sudden.

10.              Set out = निघणे

Use: We set out for a picnic early in the morning.


                          SET 2

1.  By leaps and bounds = अति वेगाने

Use: Mobile technology has made progress by leaps and bounds in the last decade.

2.  Inexplicable mirth = अवर्णनीय आनंद

Use: When I stood first in the whole school, my heart was filled with inexplicable mirth.

3.  In vain = व्यर्थ

Use: Sachin tried hard to win the match, but all his efforts were in vain.

4.  On account of = च्या मुळे

Use: School and offices will remain closed tomorrow on account of Ram Navmi.

5.  Look upon = मानणे

Use: I look upon my father as my role model.

6.  In sun and shower = सुख-दुःखात

Use: Good friends always stand by us in sun and shower.

7.  Feel fidgety = बेचैन होणे

Use: I felt fidgety when I stood up for the first time to make a speech.

8.  Pine for = च्या करिता झुरणे

Use: We should not pine for wealth and power.

9.  A stumbling block = अडचण , अडथळा

Use: English is a stumbling block for many at school.

10.              Take down = लिहून घेणे

Use: Please take down what I dictate now.


Mohan R. Pathak [ mrpathakblog@gmail.com ]

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